Thursday 10 March 2011

Results from my own survey

After making my own survey with the aid of "survey" I manage to portray a picture on what a view audience wants to see in my opening scene.

 In my survey I asked a couple of important questions that are relevant to my Market Research. My first was on genres of film that the public like such as horror or comedy just to obtain a general idea of what the majority of the British public are into.

As you can see the majority out of the 36 people that took my survey over the 3 day period want to see either a comedy or an action film , my film is an action film so I know have knowledge that there is a potential audience out there for that genre so if it was a full movie in the box office this would be good research. also it provides evidence that there is a general interest in sci-fi, drama's and thriller's aswell if I wanted to combine some genres together to increase my audience e.g. an action sci-fi  like Star Wars.

  Another question which follows on from that is a particular film that people like within that genre to get a rough idea what certain people like..

This is a shot of the top 6 out of 36 results in the survey and generally produced a variety of film titles mainly comedy's but I am paying more attention to action films so the ones that cropped up the most in the action genre was "The Expendables & Transformers" these two films are major box office hits but I will focus more on the expendables as it is more related to my film I will be producing. the expendables is a film on a small group of mercenaries that kick butt and over throw a foreign dictator and uses alot of interesting camera angles and props such as explosions and weapons and the story line as well is very intense.

A third most important question I asked in my survey was the possible name for my film this is important as a name can have a deep impact on audience expectation of the film.

 I picked a few names that I wanted for my title and  from my survey people like the name "Extraction and Resistance" which both can work for my story and both were my preferred names but I wont decide till closer to the end of my project

 These are the important questions that I asked in my survey that mean alot to my film as I have a general idea know of how many may view my film and what they may be looking for in my film.

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