Monday 28 March 2011

Film location Disaster !!!

  I am a few days away from filming when my original place were i would be shooting my opening is no longer available so now i am against the clock to find a new location for filming.  the problem is because i am using fake BB guns as props i need it to be somewhere out of the way and i need the setting to be a small old abandoned looking building with a window. This is a problem as settings like these are hard to come by and especially all in one place. I did some research and found that film companies also have the very same problem and over come this by filming in multiple places, Lord of the rings in a good example of this, they made the set for the hobbit village in a small area in new Zealand as there were no such places that existed they also shot other parts of the films such as The Mount doom scene at a volcano in new Zealand miles away from the hobit set. also such places in the film such as mordor were Computer animated but the setting such as the cliff was shot in real life. Lord of the rings was shot all over New Zealand to create the films as they couldn't find the set all in one reasonable location. So from that knowledge i have managed to decide i will shoot in few different locations.
1. A old abandoned room with a window
2. Edge of a Forrest
Hopefully i will find all three in reasonable distance of each other and i have managed to find the room with a window which is my main set for my opening.
My original location for my room was a barn that had been converted with a top floor level with a window that was idea but the owner need it as of that date without any forewarning.

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