Sunday 20 March 2011

My storyboard plus old storyboard

Here are the breath screen shots of key scenes in my opening 2 minutes for each scene.
  The film with institutional information and a sound track over top the institutional information will then be followed by a prologue "a small summary of the story so far" which will create the scene for the audience then it will fade out to a white screen then open with the motoin picture. it will start with the hostage tied up to a chair and waking up from unconsciousness then it will change to a POV shot of the hostage with a blurred view of his captors arguing in Russian. this shot will contain effects to give the impression that the hostage is derazed and confused once he has woken up the audio will be altered to create a deaf tone to it and subtitles will be added to notify the audience on what the Captors are on about. One of the captors phone will ring and will answer it, he will then have a conversation discussing the ransom for the hostage. the shot then jumps to a close up of the captor yelling down the phone and then the door being banged loudly. another captor then enters the room yelling at the Man on the phone in a Russian styled voice. this scene will be in English over the phone but Russian with English subtitles when the argument starts.

   The camera then jumps back to the POV shot of the hostage as he just gathers consciousness. the hostage that had come into the room then notices he has awoken and walks up to him and hits him. there will be more English subtitles in this scene to give the audience a better understanding of the situation. when the hostage is hit it fades out into a black screen to create an unconscious state of the hostage.and a heart beat will be heard in the time the captor walks up to the hostage to give it a more dramatic effect as if you were the hostage.
the shot will then be a black screen for a few seconds then the heart beat will slow down.
 The shot then reopens with the hostage reawakening in a near dead state and looking out of the window and then jump cut to a sniper scope view of the hostage staring out the window and then a shot of the sniper in the grass then it will go black and the film title will appear....END OF OPENING

But this is my new version of my storyboard as my previous one was a bit longer but because of my topic criteria and restrictions I carnt do the other part of my opening so I cut it shorter and ended it on a cliff hanger sort of moment

Here is my "Full" original storyboard

As you may have noticed the first part is the same as my shorter version and it ends with the sniper scene this contains an actual rescue attempt but it was to much for an opening and too much to fit in 2 minutes so that is why I had to cut it shorter.

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